Gimping Foot - Twin with Guide - Grp 1-7
Yarn Couching Feet Set, Grp 7-8
Yarn Embellishment Foot Set, Grp 7-8-9
Specialty Bobbin Case, Grp 8 & 9
Fancy Trim Foot, Grp 1-7
Double Welt Cord Foot, Grp 1-7
Piping Foot - Mini Clear, Grp 1-7
Braid/Cord Foot - Narrow, Grp 1-7
Pin Tuck Foot - 7 Groove, Grp 1-7
Chenille Stitching Foot, Grp 1-7
Pin Tuck Foot - 9 Groove, Grp 1-7
Piping Foot - Mega, Grp 1-7
Specialty Bobbin Case, Grp 5-6-7
Spanish Hemstitch Foot, Grp 6, 7, 8
Gimping Foot, Grp 1-7
Candle Wicking Foot - Specialty, Grp 1, 6 & 7
Mini Bead Foot - 4mm, Grp 1-7
7-Hole Cord Foot - with Threader, Grp 1-7
Yarn Foot - 3 Hole, Grp 1-7
Decorative Foot - Multi-Line, Grp 1-7 (see 920616096)
Pin Tuck Foot - 3 Groove with Plate, Grp 1-7
Piping Foot - Clear, Grp 1-7
Pin Tuck Foot - 3 Groove with Plate, Diamond, Ruby, Topaz