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Advanced Software Club

 Advanced Software Club September 2022

Hello everyone, summer is officially over tomorrow and I'm now getting back into the groove of classes!  This means a new Advanced Software Club.

This month’s Advanced Software Club will be meeting via Zoom on Sunday, September 25 from 9:30 to 11:30 am and again on Wednesday, September 28 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm.

In this month’s Software Club we used a variety of SuperDesigns to create an ITH wallhanging.  However, some of the SuperDesigns were not exactly what they appeared to be, nor what we wanted.  In this class we will look at the anatomy of a SuperDesign to reinforce knowledge of their features and then take an existing SuperDesign and change it to a blanket-stitched element instead (which I provided to the Software Club).  We will then take this design and some others to make a new Category in SuperDesigns with a set of our own created or modified SuperDesigns. These new SuperDesigns are easily resized because they are SuperDesigns and have the same functionality as those provided with the software.

Look at the difference we can make for this one SuperDesign:

In order to get the most out of the Zoom session, we found that having two devices was a benefit. You can use your laptop to do the lesson with me and then have the Zoom meeting on a tablet or even smart phone to see what I'm doing on my screen. If you don't have two devices, you can use two windows on the one screen, but it did take some finagling to get it working properly.  We found it useful that the device with your zoom session has voice capability.

If you plan to join me for this month’s Software Club, please sign up online at our  website so that I can forward you the instructions and handouts beforehand as well as provide the Zoom information. 

Hope to see you online. If you can't make it on these dates, I will record the session for later viewing so even if you can't actually join us on one of these sessions, you can still sign up and access the information.

Stay safe

Cathy Hamilton